2 Week Retreat: Chamisal - $1750

With Don Ronor

May 8 - 21, 2016

ayahuasca foundation riosbo ayahuasca retreats in peru

Date and Time Details: Starts: 4pm • Ends: 11am

Location: Chamisal Center

  • $1,750.00 – (US)
Program is fully booked
Program is fully booked

Nourishing the Soul – 

Our two week ayahuasca healing retreat is a chance to turn the corner on life’s path and begin to head in a new direction.  Participants spend 12 days at the Ayahuasca Foundation’s Chamisal Retreat Center (plus 2 days in Iquitos), participating in 6 ayahuasca ceremonies led by the Shipibo curandero and the assistant healers.  In addition to the ayahuasca ceremonies, participants also receive a wide variety of plant treatments that cleanse the mind, body, and spirit, as well as remedies specific to their afflictions.  This retreat is not just for healing physical, mental, and emotional problems, it is also a great way to explore the self and understand the true nature of reality.

The Shipibo plant medicine tradition allows participants to take greater control of their lives, their thoughts, their actions, and their overall health.  The unique qualities of the ayahuasca ceremonies, especially, provide participants with the opportunity to play an active role in the healing process, confronting their negativity, past traumas, or possible roots of their illnesses.  The plant treatments further enhance this process, working to boost the immune system, balance the digestive system, purify the nervous system, cleanse the circulatory system, and heal the emotional body.  The treatment addresses every level of existence and allows participants to realize the path to their health and happiness. Further counseling is provided after the retreat to assist with the challenges of integration upon return.

During these ayahuasca retreats, participants receive medicinal plant remedies, purgatives, baths in plant preparations, vapor baths, massage therapy, inhalants, and counseling, in addition to the ceremonies.  The assistant healers explain each aspect of the healing process so that participants understand how they can take part in their own healing.  The ayahuasca ceremonies provide the ultimate opportunity to do just that, as well as give the curandero the assistance of the plant spirits, angels and saints, and God.  Ultimately, it is not the curandero who heals, it is the motivating principle within all life, or God, working through the healer, the plants, and the spirit.

Learn More about the Chamisal Two Week Retreat

In addition to the healing work, all the ayahuasca retreat participants will also have the opportunity to learn a great deal about the science of healing being used by the curandero during their stay.  Participants will take part in several workshops demonstrating the various techniques and methods of using medicinal plants to treat illnesses.  Not only will the healing take place, but also a great deal of education in the indigenous healing traditions of the Amazon Rainforest.  By teaching the tradition during the treatment, the treatment is enhanced, and the knowledge will be a great aid to each participant when returning home.

After twelve days in the jungle, six traditional ayahuasca ceremonies, and a variety of healing remedies and treatments, participants return to Iquitos with a new lease on life, having turned the corner on their problems and found the path leading to their complete health and happiness.  It may take more time to achieve this, so more medicine will be available to bring back home and continue treatment, if necessary.  Once participants return to Iquitos, they will have time to decompress and process their experiences in the jungle, and to enjoy the beauty and culture of the Amazon Rainforest.
Ayahuasca Foundation's Chamisal Ayahuasca Retreats in Peru

About the Leader

Don Ronor

Don Ronor was raised in a family of curanderos and comes from a long lineage of Shipibo plant doctors.  With an incredible knowledge of the plants, don Ronor continues to do dietas and study the science of healing.  His sense of humor and gentle, playful spirit allows program participants to feel comfortable in his presence, […]

Learn more about Don Ronor

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