Seven Day Women's Ayahuasca Retreat - $2100

With Doña Angela

June 28 - July 4, 2025

Date and Time Details: Starts at: 4pm the day before the retreat Ends at: 11am the day after the retreat

Location: Iquitos, Peru

Address: Ayahuasca Foundation, Iquitos, Peru

Contact: Alida Moncada
+1 774 287 2447

  • $2,100.00 – (US)


Our 7 day women’s ayahuasca retreat provides a special opportunity to receive tremendous benefit in a short amount of time.  Retreat participants spend 7 days at the Riosbo Ayahuasca Research Center where they will attend 3 ayahuasca ceremonies led by a Shipibo maestra and her assistant healers. To enhance the healing effect of the ayahuasca ceremonies, participants also receive numerous treatments with other plant medicines to cleanse and balance all of their systems.  These plant medicines include personalized treatments specific to the needs of each retreat participant as well as integrative techniques that deepen the healing effect by addressing one’s perceptions and reactions to experiences.  By combining ancestral traditions of plant medicine with beneficial healing modalities like family constellations this retreat offers the optimal opportunity to achieve harmony in your body, mind and spirit.

Ayahuasca ceremonies are powerful awareness expanding experiences that amplify participants’ senses.  The effect of ayahuasca increases sensory perception beyond the normal biological limitations.  Participants can see beyond the visible spectrum, hear beyond the audible spectrum, and feel beyond the spectrums of intuition. This experience of heightened awareness empowers ceremony participants to play an active role in your own healing process. By increasing the messaging we receive from our sense organs, including our gut, brain, and heart, we can better discover for ourselves the roots of our afflictions and the best way forward to regain harmony and balance in our lives. With expanded awareness, we can also connect more directly with the spiritual dimension, which exists in frequencies of energy that are normally beyond the spectrums of our perceptive abilities.  The Shipibo curandero works within these spiritual realms to collaborate with plant spirits to assist in the healing process.

Each day during the retreat, participants receive medicinal plant treatments to detoxify, cleanse, and restore their natural health. Before each treatment, the facilitators describe its purpose and effect, and assist the curandero.  They also lead complimentary activities like yoga, meditation, massage, and counseling. This retreat is much more than just attending ayahuasca ceremonies. All of the additional plant medicine treatments work together with the ceremonies to produce the highest possible outcome for health on every level. The complimentary practices not only deepen the healing experienced during the retreat, but also help to form healthy habits to continue after the retreat. Counseling sessions for preparation and integration are also included in the cost of the retreat.

The $2100 price includes:


3 traditional Ayahuasca Ceremonies
Led by an indigenous curandera and the AF assistants

Private consultations with the curandera
Translated by the assistant healers

Daily Piñon Colorado brain/blood remedy
Taken three times a day for the duration of the retreat

Sangre de Grado digestive system cleanse
Reset digestive enzymes and enhance nutrient absorption

Vapor Baths with five medicinal plants
Sweat out toxins and replace them with healing medicine

Mucura sinus cleanse
cleanse the sinuses and boost immunity against allergies

Smoke Baths
Increase energetic defenses and protection from negativity

Chiric Sanango nervous system cleanse
Boost the immune system and release emotional blockages

Love Baths
For attracting positive energy, good luck, and love

Any additional treatments
Poultices, medicines, massage, or whatever is needed


Airport pickup
You’ll be met at the Iquitos airport and brought to the hotel

Accommodations for two nights at a hotel in Iquitos
The nights before and after the retreat – hotel has wi-fi

Accommodations for 6 nights at the Riosbo Center
Private rooms with en suite bathrooms and electricity

Transportation to and from the Riosbo Center
Air conditioned bus (1hr) and an amazing boat ride (1hr)

At least two meals a day, following a healing diet
Fruit, vegetables, quinoa, lentils, grilled fish, eggs, etc.

Translation of entire program when needed
Assistants also add their own experiences and teachings

Access to the Assistants for counseling/guidance
Five assistants will be available throughout the retreat

Other gifts and educational items
You’ll receive other gifts and healing tools as well

Retreats are led by a Shipibo curandero assisted by english speaking facilitators and Peruvian apprentices.  We take a maximum of 12 participants

About the Leader

Doña Angela

Doña Angela is the sister of don Enrique and don Ronor. She studied in the same Shipibo healing tradition, based on relationships with five plant spirits: Noya Rao, Bobinsana, Chiric Sanango, Marusa, and Chullachaqui. She leads our shorter retreats at the Riosbo Retreat and Research Center. She's a mother and her caring spirit is felt […]

Learn more about Doña Angela

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